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Discover,Install and Enjoy: The Best Chrome Extensions for Developers in 2024

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10. Clockwork (Clockwork)

An extension for PHP development that helps debug and profile applications. Useful for optimizing performance and finding bottlenecks.

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9. Postman (Postman)

Streamlines API development by allowing users to create, test, and document APIs. Essential for developers working with APIs.

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8. Redux DevTools (Redux)

Provides a powerful toolset for debugging Redux applications. A must-have for developers working with React and Redux.

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7. Web Developer (Chris Pederick)

Adds a toolbar with various web development tools. Useful for inspecting and debugging web pages.

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6. Wappalyzer (Wappalyzer)

Identifies the technologies used on a website. Helps developers understand the tech stack of other websites for learning and inspiration.

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5. ColorZilla (ColorZilla)

Allows developers to pick, adjust, and analyze colors from any webpage. Essential for frontend developers working on design and styling.

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4. JSON Viewer (JSONView)

Formats and highlights JSON data for easy readability. Perfect for developers working with APIs and handling JSON responses.

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3. VisBug (Google Chrome Labs)

Offers a visual interface to inspect and modify web pages in real-time. Great for designers and developers collaborating on frontend projects, allowing easy experimentation with layout and design elements.

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2. Grammarly (Grammarly, Inc.)

Enhances writing by providing real-time grammar and spelling suggestions. Ideal for developers working on documentation, blog posts, or code comments.

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1. ChatGPT Writer - Write Mail, Messages with AI (OpenAI)

Integrates the power of ChatGPT AI to assist developers in writing emails and messages. Offers smart suggestions, time-saving assistance, and efficient editing, ensuring clear and impactful communication.

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