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JavaScript is a powerful scripting language that makes web pages interactive. It's the magic behind dynamic content, user interactions, and modern web experiences.
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Learning JavaScript opens doors to creating engaging, responsive websites. From basic functionalities to advanced web applications, it's a must-learn for any aspiring developer.
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As you can see in the video, every JavaScript program starts with the <script> tag, and inside the script tag, we have written our first function named firstJavascriptFunction().
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Functions in JavaScript are like mini-programs that you can create to do a specific job, and you can use them whenever you need that job done.
For example: we have create one function greet() here that will print a message "Hello, there!" in console.
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In JavaScript, variables are like containers that hold information. They let you store and manage data in your programs.
For example: In this example, message is a variable that holds the text "Hello, JavaScript!". You can change the value of the variable or use it in different parts of your code to interact with and manipulate data.
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Every Javascript file is stored with fileName.js extension
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