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Pinterest Introduces AI-Powered Body Type Ranges for Inclusive Searches

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9. Tailored Search Results

With Pinterest's new body type ranges, users can now select from four options to ensure search results reflect their own body types, fostering a sense of inclusivity and representation.

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8. AI-Powered Inclusion

Discover how Pinterest's AI technology identifies diverse body types, enabling users to see themselves represented in over 3.5 billion images on the platform.

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7. A Message from Pinterest's CPO

Sabrina Ellis, Chief Product Officer at Pinterest, shares the company's vision for inclusivity and the importance of users seeing themselves reflected in their search results.

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6. Enhanced Engagement

Users who utilize body type ranges on Pinterest experience a 66% higher engagement rate per session, indicating the positive impact of this feature on user experience.

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5. Simplified Navigation

Navigating body type ranges on Pinterest is easy – simply open the app, enter your search term, and select your preferred body type range from 1 to 4 for personalized results.

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4. Save Your Preferences

Pinterest prompts users to save their body type range preferences, ensuring future searches are seamlessly tailored to their individual preferences.

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3. Celebrating Diversity

Pinterest celebrates diversity by featuring size-inclusive brands on its search landing page, highlighting the importance of representation in fashion.

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2. Global Accessibility

In the US, Pinterest offers body type ranges for women's fashion and wedding searches, with testing underway in Canada. Men's fashion and other verticals will follow later this year.

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1. Try It Today

Start exploring Pinterest's body type ranges today to enjoy a more inclusive and personalized search experience for fashion and wedding inspiration.

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