Java Introduction

Article by: Manish Methani

Last Updated: October 28, 2021 at 10:04am IST
2 min 39 sec read

Before understanding anything about Java, let's see What is Java ?.

How did Java has been evolved such an evergreen programming language?

James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton initiated the Java language project in June 1991 and language syntax is designed taking other programming languages like C, C++ into consideration. You may find Java basics easy to understand if you are already familiar with these programming languages.

But one disadvantage of other programming languages like C, C++ they are not portable. Not Portable means if you compile the code in windows OS machine then you can run the program in the same machine but not in another machine of a different OS. You have to recompile the code in the different OS.

Are you a Beginner?

If you are the beginner in programming languages, then probably the below mentioned concepts might be tricky for you. Right? Don't worry about anything right now. You will be familiar with each and every concept in our step by step tutorials guide.

Just remember, write a code, save a code, compile a code and run. That's it.

Java is the portable object-oriented programming language. Java compiles the code in bytecode(.class) then pass the bytecode to the interpreter(JVM) also called as Java Virtual machine.

Each OS only needs JVM then you can run any java compiled code in another OS which contains JVM. While in the case of C++, you write code, compile it, run it on the same machine. But you cannot run the compiled code on another machine.

What are the features of Java?

Let's explore the features of Java programming language.


If you have basic knowledge of C/C++ programming syntax, learning Java is not a difficult task for you. You might explore our C, C++ programming tutorials here.


To understand why Java is robust, let's take an example of memory management. In C, C++ languages every time you have to free allocated memory while Java provides Garbage collection which handles memory-related tasks automatically.


Multithreading in Java means you can write the programs that can do many things simultaneously. Multi-process synchronisation methods can help you to include multithreading in Java applications


The main aim of Java inventors was "Write once, Run anywhere". This is what makes a Java Portable.


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