Written by: Manish Methani
November 14, 2023 at 2:04pm IST.
Google Web Stories provide a visually engaging way to tell stories on the web. To enhance the performance and gain insights into your Google Web Stories, it's crucial to integrate Google Analytics (GA4) for tracking and AdSense for potential monetization. In this Codzify Tech Tutorial, we'll guide you through the step-by-step process of adding Google Analytics (GA4) and AdSense to your Google Web Stories.
Step 1: Create a Google Analytics (GA4) Property:
Step 2: Create an AdSense Account:
Step 3: Create Ad Units in AdSense:
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Conclusion: Congratulations! You've successfully added Google Analytics (GA4) for tracking and AdSense for monetization to your Google Web Stories. These integrations will help you analyze user engagement and potentially earn revenue through advertisements. Stay tuned to Codzify for more tech tutorials and updates! 🚀