Written by: Manish Methani
September 13, 2021 at 8:04am IST.
Table of Contents:
Sending data from an Angular application to a PHP server is a common task when developing web applications. In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of creating an Angular application to send POST data to a PHP backend server. We'll cover both the Angular frontend and the PHP backend handling to handle create operations.
Before we dive into the code, make sure you have Angular 16 and Angular Material installed in your project. You can set up a new project using the Angular CLI:
sudo npm install -g @angular/cli
sudo ng new dynamic-css-demo
cd dynamic-css-demo
ng add @angular/material
npm install
During the Angular CLI prompts, select the default options.
Use the Angular CLI to generate a new component for the login box:
ng generate component dynamic-styling
ng generate service api
This command will create api.service.ts
file for you. Now inside this file add the following code,
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core"; import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http"; import { Observable } from "rxjs"; @Injectable({ providedIn: "root" }) export class ApiService { private baseUrl = "https://website.com/fileName.php"; // Replace with your PHP API URL constructor(private http: HttpClient) {} // Select operation getRecords() { const apiUrl = "https://website.com/fileName.php"; return this.http.get(apiUrl); } sendFormData(formData: FormData) { const apiUrl = "https://website.com/fileName.php"; return this.http.post(apiUrl, formData); } // Update operation updateRecord(id: number, updatedData: any) { const apiUrl = `https://website.com/fileName.php?id=${id}`; return this.http.put(apiUrl, updatedData); } // Delete operation deleteRecord(id: number) { const apiUrl = `https://website.com/fileName.php?id=${id}`; return this.http.delete(apiUrl); } }
Open dynamic-styling.component.html file
and add the following codde,
<div class="login-container" [ngStyle]="loginStyles"> <button class="btn bg-primary text-white" color="accent" (click)="toggleStyles()">{{buttonText}}</button> <h2>Register</h2> <form (ngSubmit)="sendData()"> <mat-form-field class="full-width"> <input matInput [(ngModel)]="newUser.name" name="name" placeholder="Username"> </mat-form-field> <mat-form-field class="full-width"> <input matInput [(ngModel)]="newUser.email" name="email" type="password" placeholder="Password"> </mat-form-field> <button type="submit" class="btn bg-primary text-white" color="primary">Register</button> </form> </div>
Open dynamic-styling.component.ts file
and add the following code to sendData to PHP code with the help of APIService ,
import { Component, Renderer2, ElementRef } from "@angular/core"; import { ApiService } from "../api.service"; import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http"; import { Observable } from "rxjs"; @Component({ selector: "app-dynamic-styling", templateUrl: "./dynamic-styling.component.html", styleUrls: ["./dynamic-styling.component.css"] }) export class DynamicStylingComponent { users: any[] = []; newUser: any = {}; successMessage: string = ""; buttonText = "Dark Mode"; constructor(private renderer: Renderer2, private apiService: ApiService, private http: HttpClient) {} ngOnInit(): void { this.apiService.getRecords().subscribe((data: any) => { this.users = data; }); } sendData(): void { const formData = new FormData(); formData.append("name", this.newUser.name); formData.append("email", this.newUser.email); const apiUrl = "https://codzify.com/AdminModule/Admin/resource.php"; this.apiService.sendFormData(formData).subscribe( (response: any) => { // Handle the success response here this.successMessage = response.message; alert(this.successMessage); this.newUser = {}; // Clear the form }, (error: any) => { // Handle the error response here console.error(error); } ); } loginStyles: { [key: string]: string } = { "background-color": "black", "border": "2px solid blue", "color": "white", "margin":"30%", "margin-top": "10%", "height": "30%", "border-radius": "20px" }; toggleStyles() { if (this.loginStyles["background-color"] === "black") { this.loginStyles["background-color"] = "white"; this.loginStyles["border"] = "2px solid black"; this.loginStyles["color"] = "black"; this.buttonText = "Light Mode"; // Change the button text to "Light Mode" } else { this.loginStyles["background-color"] = "black"; this.loginStyles["border"] = "2px solid blue"; this.loginStyles["color"] = "white"; this.buttonText = "Dark Mode"; // Change the button text to "Light Mode" } } }
Next, let's create a PHP backend to receive data from the Angular application and perform database operations.
1. Create a PHP file In your PHP server environment, create a PHP file named resource.php. This file will handle requests from the Angular app. Here is a basic example of how resource.php can be structured to handle create, update, delete, and select operations:Also create a newTable named as "resource" and add the three fields: id, name & email.
<?php header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8"); header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, PUT, DELETE"); header("Access-Control-Max-Age: 3600"); header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Authorization, X-Requested-With"); // Include your config file and any other necessary dependencies require_once "database.php"; // Initialize the session or any other initialization as needed // Check if the request method is POST and data is not empty if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "POST" && !empty($_POST)) { // Get user data from the POST request $name = $_POST["name"]; $email = $_POST["email"]; // Initialize the response array $response = array(); // Prepare an insert statement $sql = "INSERT INTO resource (name, email) VALUES (?, ?)"; if ($stmt = mysqli_prepare($con, $sql)) { // Bind variables to the prepared statement as parameters mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "ss", $param_name, $param_email); // Set parameters $param_name = $name; $param_email = $email; // Attempt to execute the prepared statement if (mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt)) { // User inserted successfully $response["message"] = "User inserted successfully"; http_response_code(201); // Created } else { // Error occurred while inserting $response["message"] = "Something went wrong. Please try again later."; http_response_code(503); // Service Unavailable } // Close the prepared statement mysqli_stmt_close($stmt); } else { // Error in preparing the statement $response["message"] = "Statement preparation failed."; http_response_code(503); // Service Unavailable } // Close the database connection mysqli_close($con); // Send the response as JSON echo json_encode($response); } else { // Invalid request method or empty data http_response_code(400); // Bad Request echo json_encode(array("message" => "Invalid request")); } ?>
With both the Angular frontend and the PHP backend set up, you can start testing the application. Run the Angular app using the following command:
ng serve
You can access the app at http://localhost:4200
Ensure your PHP server is running and that the PHP file is in the correct location.
You can now createusers using the Angular app, and the data will be sent to the PHP backend.
In this tutorial, you learned how to create an Angular application that communicates with a PHP backend to send POST data. This combination of Angular and PHP provides a foundation for building more complex web applications that require data interaction between the frontend and the backend.
Angular 16 is the latest version of the Angular framework. To send POST data to a PHP server using Angular 16, you can follow these steps:
Sending data from an Angular 16 application to a PHP server offers several advantages, including:
The PHP script plays a crucial role in the data submission process from an Angular 16 application. It serves as the server-side endpoint that receives, processes, and stores the data sent by the Angular application. The PHP script handles data validation, interacts with databases if necessary, and sends back a response to the Angular application, confirming the successful data submission or reporting any errors.
When sending POST data to a PHP server from Angular 16, it is important to consider security. Some key security considerations include:
Handling errors and exceptions when sending data from Angular 16 to a PHP server is essential for a robust application. Consider the following steps:
P.S.: If you are interested in learning Angular 16 in-depth, I have packaged my knowledge in this Angular course. Start your free Trial