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this Pointer in C++

Article by: Manish Methani

Last Updated: October 17, 2021 at 8:04am IST
3 min 58 sec read

this pointer

If we want an address of an object within same class then this pointer is used. It is used as self reference within a class.

class Student 
int rollNo;
char name[20];
    Student (int rollNo, char name[])
     this -> rollNo = rollNo;
     strcpy(this -> name , name);

     void showInfo()
       cout<<"Roll No is " <// Function returning address of object 
     Student *getAddress()
       return this;

Function returning object     
Student getObject()
return *this;

void main()
Student a(64,"Manish");
Student *p = a.getAddress();
Student b = a.getObject();

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