Written by: Manish Methani
October 12, 2021 at 2:04pm IST.
Dictionary is simply a collection type used to link keys of the same type and values of the same type. Keys of the same type mean all the keys in a dictionary must be of the same type i.e if one key is of Int type then all the keys must be of Int type. Same in the case of Values. All the values must be of the same type.
If the dictionary is assigned to a variable then that dictionary becomes Mutable and If the dictionary is assigned to a 'constant' then that dictionary becomes Immutable. Create immutable dictionary
let dictionary = ["Item 1": "description", "Item 2": "description"]
Create mutable dictionary
var dictionary = ["Item 1": "description", "Item 2": "description"] Append new pair to dictionary dictionary["Item 3"] = "description"
The following examples clears the way to create an empty dictionary.
var dict = [String:String]() var intDict = [Int:Int]() var mixDict = [Int:String]()
var dict:[String:String] = ["Abc":"PQR" , "XYZ":"aa"] print(dict["Abc"])
As we studied in Swift Optionals about how to
an optional value, you can refer it before you move forward.
var dict:[String:String] = ["Abc":"PQR" , "XYZ":"aa"] print(dict["Abc"]!)
var someVar = someDict[key]
Example: dict["Abc"] is used to retrieve the value of key "ABC"
import UIKit var dict:[String:String] = ["Abc":"PQR" , "XYZ":"aa"] print(dict["XYZ"]!)
import UIKit var dict:[Int:String] = [1:"Codzify" , 2:"Microsoft"] print(dict[1]!)
Dictionary’s updateValue(_:forKey:) method to set or update the value for a particular key.
import UIKit var someDict:[Int:String] = [1:"Codzify", 2:"Microsoft"] var oldVal = someDict.updateValue("New value of one", forKey: 1) var someVar = someDict[1] print( "Old value of key = 1 is (oldVal)" ) print( "Value of key = 1 is (someVar)" )
Old value of key = 1 is Optional("Codzify") Value of key = 1 is Optional("New value of one")
You can use the removeValueForKey() method to remove a key-value pair from a dictionary. This method removes the key-value pair if it exists and returns the removed value, or returns nil if no value existed.
import UIKit var someDict:[Int:String] = [1:"Codzify", 2:"Microsoft"] var someVar = someDict.removeValue(forKey: 2) print( "Value for key = 1 is (someDict[1]!)" ) print( "Value of key = 2 is (someDict[2])" )
for..in the loop is used to iterate over a dictionary of key-value pairs.
import UIKit var dict:[String:String] = ["Abc":"PQR" , "XYZ":"aa"] for (key, value) in dict { print("Dictionary key (key) - Dictionary value (value)") }
Dictionary key Abc - Dictionary value PQR Dictionary key XYZ - Dictionary value aa
the enumerated method is used to iterate over a dictionary and in returns the index of the item along with its (key, value) pair.
import UIKit var dict:[Int:String] = [0:"PQR" , 1:"aa"] for (key, value) in dict.enumerated() { print("Dictionary key (key) - Dictionary value (value)") }
Dictionary key 0 - Dictionary value (0, "PQR") Dictionary key 1 - Dictionary value (1, "aa")
count property is used to count the number of elements in a dictionary. isEmpty property is used to check whether the dictionary is empty or not.
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play import UIKit var dict :[Int:String] = [1:"ABC",2:"PQR",3:"XYZ"] print("Count of element = (dict.count)") print("Is dictionary empty = (dict.isEmpty)")
Count of element = 3 Is dictionary empty = false